Friday, September 25, 2009

So Quickly Life Approaches

I think that the older one gets the faster life passes by. I feel like just yesterday I had 10 months to go until the wedding, but it's only 22 days away! It has gone by so quickly, but I know at several points I thought that the big day would never come. There were times that I was wishing time away, hoping that October would come quickly. Other times I prayed for more time to get everything done. Now I am at a happy medium, I'm so excited that the wedding is soon, I feel like I have plenty of time to complete the tasks at hand, and I'm enjoying my last few weeks of singleness with my family. The closer we get to the wedding day, the faster the days go by. As the wedding is quickly approaching, I realize that Amica and Rhode Island are also quickly approaching. I feel like as soon as the wedding is over I will be preparing to move out to Providence to start training. I have about 2 months with my husband before moving away for 7 weeks, which at first didn't seem like a big deal, but now I feel like 2 months before moving is not enough time and that 7 weeks will feel a lot longer than it seems. Life feels real, it feels grown up with more responsibility than ever. While this isn't a bad thing, it is different and somewhat intimidating. I feel like I'm ready to get married, start a job, move away from my parents, but the unknown always brings a sense of question and unsettledness. How do you prepare for something you've never experienced? I suppose the only thing is to spend time with the Lord and trust that he will teach you and guide you in all your new adventures. I know He will help me learn what it means to be a submissive wife, a wife who eagerly serves her husband. I know He will help me learn what it means to be in the business world and He will be there to comfort me when everything changes and I move away from everything I know. God is good and he will be with me. All I can do it live today, the day the Lord has given me and enjoy the time that I have. When the new things come along I will be able to handle them because the Lord will prepare me. So let life quickly approach, I will soak up as much as I possibly can and Jesus will provide for my every need :)

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