Friday, September 11, 2009

35 Days

So I gave in, I started a blog.

I didn’t start one for a long time because I didn’t think anyone would want to read my random thoughts on everything under the sun. However, I’ve recently decided that my writing can and should be improved, thus my Blog, the New Wife: The Freshest Pietch! Many adventures are coming my way and I thought that a blog would be an appropriate way to both improve my writing and share my life via the internet.

With that said, I am not yet married, but the days (only 35 or so left) of singleness are numbered and the weeks to come should be quite interesting. For instance, RSVPs (respondez-vous si vous plait for those that do not know the French translation) are both exciting and exasperating. Some people do not understand how these work. For those who do not understand, please allow me the time to explain basic invitation etiquette. When you receive the invitation please observe who the invitation has been addressed to. If the invitation says only your name then only you are invited. But, if the invitation has your name plus a guest THEN and only then can you bring a guest. It is not appropriate for you to add your date’s name to your invitation putting the bride and groom in the awkward position of denying you a date. You do not get to add a date just because you want one. If you want to give me 50 dollars to pay for your uninvited date, please do! But since that would not happen, please do not add people to my guest list, I do not have room for them.

Fortunately for me, RSVP woes have not ruined the wedding experience for me. I have had a lovely time planning my wedding. I cannot wait to be a wife, I cannot wait to enjoy the splendors of the wedding! I have relished every moment of planning, the counting down, being excited with Bryan, drawing closer to Christ, the organizing and reorganizing, shopping, dresses, friends, and showers. And it will all culminate in my latest and greatest adventure, MARRIAGE! So here’s to me, the new blogger, the soon-to-be-wife, The Freshest Pietch!

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