Ahh, my full cup of steaming hot coffee with hazelnut creamer cannot be beat, especially on a Saturday morning. There's something relaxing about waking up when you want (which is still no later than 8:30am for me) making a cup of joe, and sitting down to write my blog. I hope to write more in the coming weeks. Unfortunately all our traveling makes me feel too busy and stressed to keep up with the blog. But, the most encouraging thing is when someone says "I read your blog, I love knowing what's going on in your life!" How great is that?! I always feel like no one reads this thing, but when people tell me that they read it to keep up with my life, I feel so loved and it makes me want to write more. So as I lazily sip my delicious coffee, I will give a short update on life here in Knoxville.
Work is going well, I am settling into office life. It's very different, sometimes it's hard to balance working and being professional with my personality. I can't joke around as much as I am used to and being sarcastic isn't always appropriate, but I'm adjusting. I do like the job, I still think I'm going to be good at it. I'm learning more about managing every day, it's not an easy job that's for sure. The flooding in Nashville made the whole office busy for a few weeks, and then everyone got backed up since we were dealing with flooding situations, so now everyone is trying to catch up. I just try to take it one day at a time, it's hard not to get stressed when everyone around you is tense and stressed. But, I know that some days will be stressful and other days will pass quickly without a hitch, so I still think this will be a good job for me.
Knoxville is a great city, we still haven't met many people or made many connections, but they're coming! We did meet up with an old friend from High school. He and his wife are living in Knoxville for the time being, in September they leave for a mission trip to Rome. Anyway, they know lots of people in Knoxville and were able to suggest a few churches and give us a few connections to the local Young Life group. We're excited to be in Knoxville this weekend so that we can visit the churches and try to find a place where we fit in. I'm still loving the area, the south is great. It's just a slower pace of life and everyone is pretty relaxed all the time. It's wonderful. And it's hot! It's already hitting close to 90 on a regular basis, this summer should be interesting!
Anyway, Bryan is making pancakes and they smell so good! Thank you for keeping up with my life! I'm honored that you love me enough to read this blog!! Happy Saturday!