So today we had our test over Auto Policy, well the first test of two. It went well, we all passed, but I'm not sure exactly how well I did. Hopefully I didn't just shave by or anything. I think that I did okay, though. Bryan would say that I need to be confident and just know that I did well! We did the test first thing this morning, had a few more sessions on how insurance is priced, and then we did the most fun thing we've done so far...PRACTICE NEW POLICY PHONE CALLS! You have no idea how exciting it is to have something that is interactive and not just studying policy or learning computer applications. Our trainers said that we all did well, it wasn't nearly as hard as I thought it was going to be. I really liked feeling that I was accomplishing something and that I am continually learning more and more about what my job is all about. The more I learn about the job and the more I feel that it's a good fit for me and that I'll really enjoy it. Even though we're learning lots it's not that exciting to blog about. Insurance isn't exactly thrilling, but it's better than doing case studies or arguing the finer points of the US Constitution so I like it better than my
polisci classes,
haha that's a good thing! I don't have to sit and argue about how long "promptly" is, I just have to know that they have to report the claim to us promptly. It's great.
My roommates are still great, Lauren and I are extremely similar. We're starting to talk like each other, which is only slightly annoying.
Haha, just kidding. But we have a lot of fun together. Jackie, my literal roommate is great! She's super encouraging and so kind. This weekend we went out and explored Providence, it was so fun! We went out to a local bar on Friday and then for my birthday we went to a Chinese place and to a different bar that had live music and pool. Both nights were really fun, the people in my training class are really great. Getting to know everyone has certainly been interesting, but it's pretty cool that we're all so different but can have so much fun together! I love meeting new people, so this is great. (I know, I am definitely over using the word "great" the next post I'll do my best to vary my adjectives)
Well anyway that's about all I have right now, nothing to exciting but I did have a great birthday. My new friends made sure I wasn't too lonely. I love and miss you all!!