Friday, September 18, 2009


I think friends are about the best thing that a girl can have, well right after an awesome family, and a great fiance...Okay so friends come in third those people, fourth if you add Christ in... Anyway, point being that true friends are incredible and irreplaceable. The end of college has shown me who my dearest and truest friends are. The people I keep in touch with, either through phone conversations or random hang out times; the people who always offer to help with wedding stuff; the people who listen to me complain about wedding stuff; and the people I can call no matter the time or place just because I need some support. Planning the wedding has really shown me what amazing and wonderful friends I have. My friend Kyria volunteered to shoot some pictures at the wedding after hearing our little photo fiasco. Even though we don't talk as much as I would like, she still said she would come and take a few pictures. And the great thing is I know that she doesn't think I just called her to ask for some free pictures, I know that she is excited to come to the wedding and out of love offered her expert photography skills to Bryan and I. One of Bryan's friends asked him if he wanted some financial help so that we could invite everyone we wanted. Bryan declined, but the simple act of offering was so loving and selfless. Laura and Lauren have been so sincere in their offers to help the day of or with anything I may need in the coming weeks, I know I could ask them to help out in any way and they would be more than happy to. Not to mention all the friends who ask how I'm doing, who want updates about all the plans, and offer their help in every conversation! All the help, love, and support has been so important to both Bryan and I. It makes me wonder, am I this giving of my gifts and energy to my friends? I know the wedding is a big deal, but sometimes I still feel selfish accepting all that my friends are offering me. I suppose that it is part of the cycle, at some point in time all these people will need my help, and I will be more than willing to give it! (And if I complain just remind me about the wedding and I'll feel guilty and stop complaining)

On another note, my good friend Kyria (mentioned above) is an amazing photographer. Kyria and her sister have their own photography business. They do weddings, senior pictures, family photos, and baby portraits. Their work is just beautiful and I'm so excited to see them off and running! The link to their site is listed below, check out their photo galleries and if you're in the market for some pictures, these are the girls to call!

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